Welcome to the Agent Nook Help Center

Common New Membership Questions

Agent Nook has two types of registration:

  1. Real Estate Agents & Brokers: Gain instant access as an ‘Agent-in-Review’. We aim to validate your account within the same business day.
  2. Professionals: Instant access to profiles while we validate your account.

Agents & Brokers: If you can be verified through your state’s real estate division, no additional documentation is required.

Professionals: We want to know you are in business. If you don’t have a website or business profile at a major outlet, like Yelp or Google, we may ask for additional documentation.

Once your account has been validated, you’ll be notified over email. You can visit agentnook.com, update your profile, and take a look around.

Yes, agentnook.com is a mobile friendly site.

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